Monday, February 4, 2008

I`m Craving A....

Last night I was craving a burger and fries in the worst way!!

Greg being out at a Superbowl party, Matthew and I decided to take a drive to Harvey`s to get a burger. Matthew runs in and orders me a big juicy burger toped just the way I like it: lettuce, tomatoes, lots of pickles and mayonaise - YUMMM! He also go me my fries and an apple juice, along with whatever he wanted.

He comes back to the car, and we head home. I can`t wait to get in the door and chow down my fries and that big juicy burger! I munch my fries and begin my burger... I`ve been waiting for this! I get 2 bites in and I`m ready to toss my cookies, or fries. lol Needless to say, I had to make a trip to the little girl`s room.

I figured it was just coincidence. I eat another bite of the most delicious burger I`ve ever seen and here come the fries again! Well, what little is left of them!


Baby Chissy does NOT like hamburgers! *sigh* No more burgers for me.

Friday, February 1, 2008


We found out on Wednesday night that we are pregnant! ♥

Read about us finding out in detail on our blog.